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  • Writer's pictureErin White

Devotionals That Guided Me Through My Miscarriage

Experiencing a miscarriage is one of the most difficult losses a family can go through. The hours, days, and weeks after the loss can be filled with anger, doubt, grief, loneliness, and shame. I found that the only thing keeping me hopeful and uplifted was diving into the word of God. I found closeness to Him through his word. Over the 14-week process I found so many plans/devotionals that helped bring healing and guidance.

Here is a list of my go-to devotionals to help get through this difficult time. I’ve included links to them directly or where to buy the books!

1. Finding God in Your Miscarriage – for this devotional I used the Bible app. It was a 5-day plan was a great guide to bring me healing and show me how to find God in all situations.

2. Hope in the Dark — this was a 12-day devotional also through the Bible app. This was a perfect plan for me because I was hurting and often times didn’t (and still don’t) understand why this happened.

3. Stronger than the Struggle — this was a 5-day devotional through the Bible app. It was about finding ways to get through hardships through Christ and knowing that we are stronger than our struggles.

4. Praying Through Miscarriage — this was one of my favorite devotionals through the Bible app. It was another 5-day devotional that filled me with hope and faith.

5. Waiting on God — an 8-day devotional through the Bible app that was SO good. It is 100% applicable to all stages of life and I highly recommend it for anyone who feels like they are “stuck” waiting on God’s answers to your prayers (umm like everyone!)

6. Walking through Miscarriage with God — a 7-day devotional through the Bible app that really helped me handle my emotions and find comfort in God’s word.

7. Loved Baby: 31 Devotionals Helping You Grieve and Cherish Your Child after Pregnancy Loss – this was one of 3 books I read after my miscarriage and it was my favorite. The devotionals were short but very powerful in the days and weeks right after we found out. I found a lot of comfort from this book which I needed especially at the beginning.

8. Circle Talk — This was a book recommended to me from a friend prior to finding out we had miscarried. It was only until afterwards that I sat down to truly read it and use the principles taught in my life. I LOVE and highly recommend this book to any and all no matter what stage of life you’re in!

9. Celebrating Pregnancy Again: Restoring the lost joys of pregnancy after the loss of a child – This book was a gift from a fellow angel baby momma and I really enjoyed it. It talks about the emotions of miscarriage and trying again for another baby.

10. Grieving the Child I Never Knew: A Devotional for Comfort in the Loss of Your Unborn or Newly Born Child – This book was recommended to me and I really found it helpful. It helped me navigate the emotions of going from anticipation of a sweet baby to grief over my miscarriage.

Here is a starter list of some of the books listed above on my Amazon store:

Here’s the link for the Circle Talk book:

Here are the links for the Bible app studies in order as listed:


Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I am a wife to my amazing husband Zach and a momma to an angel baby and now a beautiful baby boy. I am an anxiety warrior, a follower of Christ, and a devoted wife, mother, daughter, friend, and sister.

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