Testament Tuesday -- Day of Lasts
Do you ever feel like you’re living in a state of “Groundhog Day”? Where every day is the same thing over and over again. Wake up, cook, clean, go here, cook more, clean more, then go to bed and repeat. There have definitely been days or even sometimes weeks where I feel like I’m on the hamster wheel of life just waiting for my purpose to smack me in the face. And it’s so easy to look at other people’s lives and see their purpose isn’t it? The ones who seemingly have it all via their social media accounts, the ones who give their free time to volunteering or mission trips. Just because their purpose is easy for us to see doesn’t mean it always was that way for them. Most likely they too were in a state of “Groundhog Day” at one point in their life.
God created us with a specific plan in mind. He knows all of our past, present, and future potential because He gave it to us. He puts us exactly where we need to be for everything in our lives. Now, this doesn’t mean this journey will be easy. It’s when the journey is easy that we get into the hamster wheel of life and get checked out, ultimately losing our potential. No, God knows we need challenges and obstacles in order to keep us engaged and focused on living up to our full potential.
Last year was probably one of the more challenging years we faced as a nation, and personally it was the most challenging year I’ve ever faced. It challenged me in ways I never knew I could be challenged emotionally, physically, and mentally. But looking back at those dark days I know that God lead me through it for a very divine reason. I know that the trials that I faced last year brought out the absolute best in me and lead me to find a bigger purpose in life. It led me to starting this blog to help bring faith, hope, and some of my personal tips for a healthier more balanced life! It led my marriage to grow stronger in our first year than I could have imagined. It led for me and my husband to dream bigger and find gratitude in every beautiful thing life has to offer us.
Today, we woke up to another day of doing the same things we do every week. There are some routines of life we just can’t escape. But our outlook on those seemingly mundane days of life is what can break the hamster wheel feeling. Every day we wake up and get to breath new life is something special. Because whether we think about it or not, every day is full of lasts. They may be big lasts or small lasts, but they’re there.
If you’re a mother today might be the last time you change a diaper or breastfeed your babe. It might be the last time they sleep in your room or need help being fed. But in that moment, you didn’t know it would be the last. You just knew it as the millionth time to do xyz and was completely over it. And what happens then? You miss out on just how precious those moments are. There are so many other examples of lasts that we encounter on a daily basis that we aren’t even aware of.
What are the lasts happening for you today? I guarantee there is at least one and you might not even realize it in that moment. So why don’t we start being more engaged in order to recognize those lasts? We never get these days back, once their gone their gone. Life is forever happening around us and the things happening today, right now will only happen today and right now. So we need to live with PURPOSE.
Every single day we have the choice to live boring, mundane lives or with purpose. It is our God given purpose to wake up each day and live it fully. Meaning all-in, fully present, fully engaged, and fully thankful for all of the goodness surrounding us. Because in reality, nothing else really matters. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may not even come, so all we have is today.
Each day we get to be alive holds a lifetime of opportunities that are meant to bring us so much joy and make an impact on our lives. But we often miss these opportunities by just going through the motions of life. We miss them because today is just an “ordinary Tuesday”. And sure, it is probably pretty ordinary, but it’s also full of amazing things.
Psalm 90:12 says NIV:
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
There’s something we can only do today. An impact we can make, a job to fulfill, love to give, or words to speak. There are moments we will have today that we won’t ever see again.
It’s time to start seeing the divine design behind the ordinary things.
It’s time to seek and hold onto the moments of wonder.
It’s time to live each day on purpose and to the fullest.